The Taiwanese Choral Society of Rochester


Our History 愛鄉合唱團簡史

As part of the Taiwanese Association of Rochester, Inc., TCSR was established in 1993. Composed of amateur singers, TCSR is dedicated to promoting Taiwanese culture and music. The past and current music directors and accompanists are students from the Eastman School of Music. In addition to its annual concerts in Rochester, TCSR has been invited to perform in Toronto, Cornell University, in joint appearance with the Rochester Chamber Orchestra, and at the International Sister City Festival in Rochester. An active member and only Asian choral group of the Greater Rochester Choral Consortium (GRCC) since 2008, the TCSR participates in many community events, including Asia-Pacific Heritage Family day at the Memorial Art Gallery, and GRCC's bi-annual Prism concerts at the Kodak Hall of Eastman Theatre from 2009 to 2019.

羅徹斯特台灣同鄉會的愛鄉合唱團於1993年由一群愛唱台灣歌的同鄉所組成。歷年來,本團皆邀請伊斯曼音樂學院的學生擔任指揮和伴奏,並指導團員歌唱的技巧。本團不定期在同鄉會活動時表演,並曾應邀至多倫多、康乃爾大學、養老院、姐妹市慶祝活動中表演,2005年受Rochester Chamber Orchestra邀請至Hochstein Music School同台演出。合唱團曾於2010年亞太裔傳統月家庭日參與表演,並和社區中學合唱團聯合演唱。更連續自2009年起每兩年的2月,與羅徹斯特地區合唱團體於年度Greater Rochester Choral Consortium Prism Concert演出,為唯一亞裔團體,展現特殊臺灣音樂風格,頗獲好評。本團自每年九月至隔年五月份起,每兩星期練唱一次,歡迎愛好唱歌的朋友加入我們的行列。